Sunday, March 15, 2009

Marriage proposals, soccer and eating with our hands

Unfortunately, the day started with some bad news. Our trip to the W.E.B Du Bois Center had to be postponed because the center was not open on Sundays. Luckily, the gang would recover and make the best of the day to come.

After breakfast and a short bus ride, the gang arrived at Kwame Nkumrah Memorial Park, a park dedicated to Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkumrah. Our guide ran us through his eventful life, showing us pictures and furniture from his time as president. I found it interesting that throughout his life he fought for women's rights in government and currently his daughter, Samia, is the only female member of the Ghanian Parliament, very cool. Also, various trees were planted in Kwame's name by various American and African leaders, including Jesse Jackson, Nelson Mandella and Robert Mugabe. After the tour, we made our way to the market.

Kwame Nkumrah Memorial Park

At the market, we were bombarded by "vendors" eager to sell us anything and everything, including drums, soccer jerseys and various wood carvings. I wasn't used to the agressiveness of the vendors and eventually found myself seperated from the group, in the house of a vendor trying to decide whether or not to purchase a mask or a carved duck. (For the record, I went with the duck.) Others, like Joanie, received marriage proposals from the vendors in hopes to coerce them into buying. It truly was an insane experience.

After our hectic time at the market, we took a lunch at Frankie's. Frankie's had some great chicken and rice and as a pleasant surprise, I got to watch my favorite soccer team, Chelsea, at the restaurant. As an added bonus, Ghana's own native son, Michael Essien, scored a goal.

Since our trip to W.E.B Du Bois had to be rescheduled, the gang decided to take in a Ghana Premier League soccer game, Hearts v. Hasaacas. The game was pretty exciting as there was a penalty kick, a red card and a number of goal chances. You can see the game's only goal below at the bottom of the page.

After a stop at the hotel, we went to a beachside restaurant for what we thought would be our dinner. However, the restaurant tried giving us the "obroni prices" (loosely translated, "the white man's price.") Luckily, our tour guide George was having none of it and we left. The trip was worth it, however, as we got a great view of the Accra coastline.

Dinner was amazing! Everyone in the gang tried some adventurous dishes. I tried banku and okra soup, which was a sticky, doughy substance and some delicious beef soup. I ate it like the locals, with my hands, and it was definitely a treat. Our dinner also gave us our second marriage proposal of the night, as one of our waitresses proposed to Brad. A good time was had by all and the food was delicious.

Me enjoying some banku.

Currently the gang is enjoying the hotel pool and I'm about to do that myself. Pictures from our business excursions should be up tomorrow. Until then...

Do you guys have google down here?
Pat Zeman


  1. I noticed that Joni wasn't pictured on the other blog....I hope she's not on her honeymoon!!!
    ~~(Judy) Joni's Mom

  2. It sounds awesome so far!! Can you deliver a message to Brad? Tell him he better not have accepted that marriage proposal!! hehe...

    Have fun, I can't wait to hear more.

    -Jess H.
